Please understand, we do not refund ‘just because’. We have an assurance based and effort based policy in place. All refunds are gauged on a situational basis by our staff, and the customer only qualifies if the Assurance & effort based policies are met below:
Assurance Based Policy - From Clients Standpoint (My Local Agency):
1. Software product is unusable, unstable, or unfixable.
2. No access to software or training during your 30-day period.
Effort Based Refund Policy-From Customer's Standpoint:
Customer must meet all criteria in order to qualify:
1. COURSE COMPLETION: Customer must go through the entire core training of the Birthday marketing formula. Our team checks course status to ensure this has been completed.
2. CORE ACTION STEP COMPLETED: Customer has 100% implemented the action steps of the birthday marketing formula training as outlined in the module lessons, [MODULE 4] PROSPECTING: REACHING OUT
Customer should have completed the build and gather exercise of identifying 30 the ideal prospects following the training.
3. PROOF OF EFFORT: Customer is to provide proof of ‘effort’ by displaying the list of gathered prospects have been reached out to. This proof of effort must be displayed to our team in the following ways:
3A. LIST OF PROSPECTS GATHERED: Show the completed spreadsheet of prospects with resolve notes-with 75% completion of gathered information per video training instructions.
3B. 75% COMPLETION OF PROSPECTS REACHED OUT TO: Can show to our staff the list of prospects created were reached out to via phone, or face to face. You can show timestamps, phone records of calls to businesses, and/or a written outline of businesses you visited from your list, with notes of the outcome. Example: called John's pizza, owner said 'not interested'. Our completion form for 'proof based effort' we ask students to complete is here https://form.jotformpro.com/72344960653965
If the customer has implemented ALL of the above action steps (Course completion, core action steps completed, proof of effort) with no success, the customer will then receive help from our staff to provide correction and improvement. Implementing our policies does not qualify for a refund. These steps are prerequisite to receive personal help. If the above steps have not been completed, then the customer does not qualify to receive a refund or receive personal help. All refunds are gauged on a situational basis by our staff. Our systems are proven, and we do not refund 'just because'. If customer would like to cancel, we will pause their recurring billing. However, we do not refund the initial amount paid for the Birthday Marketing Formula.
Finer Details Below:
My Local Agency may, but are under no obligation to, honor requests for refunds for the following reasons: Non-delivery of the product: Due to an issue with the mail or courier service, you do not receive a delivery e-mail from us. Depending on the price of the product, My Local Agency may require you to first submit proof that you have submitted a report to the mail service or courier company describing the missing item; Download issues: You have problems that prevent you from downloading the product. My Local Agency recommends that you contact the support team for your browser provider, as My Local Agency ensures that our software can be used with all major browsers, and this problem usually arises from a customer's issue with either their browser, firewall, or network; Irreparable defects with the software: Although all the products are thoroughly tested before release, unexpected errors may occur. This reason should be submitted to our Support Team to be corrected in a reasonable amount of time.; Product not-as-described: A request based on this reason is addressed on a case-by-case basis and subject to our approval. To prevent this kind of claim from arising, every customer is encouraged to check free samples (in the form of video overviews, demo links, product samples, screenshots) of each type of the product offered before making a purchase.
If you are a current customer on any recurring subscription and wish to cancel, you must give a two business day notice via our support desk at https://support.mylocalagency.co if you wish to cancel your subscription. If you do not give us two business days notice, and you are charged for your subscription, no refunds will be given and your access to the software will remain in place until the next billing date at which time your subscription and access will be terminated. Refunds are not given “just because” and “just trying it out” is not a valid reason for a refund. Once you initiate your payment, you will have access for the entire month you’ve paid for. If you are a customer on a monthly subscription, no refunds will be given unless unforeseen circumstances arise and the software tool becomes unusable and unfixable in a reasonable amount of time. In that case, your payment and refund will be prorated based on the amount of time you’ve had working access to the software during your subscription period. If you are a customer on an annual subscription, no refunds will be given unless unforeseen circumstances arise and the software tool becomes unusable and unfixable in a reasonable amount of time. In that case, your payment and refund will be prorated based on the amount of time you’ve had working access to the software during your subscription period.
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