
[Contact Reach] How to Set Up a Broadcast

By Jason Bell / November 22, 2022

Welcome to My Local Agency’s Blog!

This tutorial will go over How to Set Up a Broadcast in Contact Reach.

Once you have subscribers who have subscribed to your campaigns you can send them a coupon, text message etc. with the broadcast feature.


Let’s get started.

Step 1: 

Once inside your Contact Reach software select the “Broadcast” tab on your dashboard and select “Create New” 


Step 2: 

You will be directed to create a name for your broadcast.

You can the choose if you would like for your broadcast to go out immediately or if you want to schedule you broadcast for another time.

Select the “Next” button when complete.

Step 3: 

Next you will select the campaign you want to send your broadcast to.

Every subscriber in that campaign will get the broadcast.

If you selected to schedule your campaign, here you will select your date and time for the broadcast.

If there is a coupon associated with your broadcast you will need to add a number of days for expiration. 

This way the coupon cannot be used after that period of time.

Select the “Next” button when complete.


Step 4: 

Next you will select how you want your broadcast to go out. 

You can select:

  • Email
  • SMS 
  • or Both

Select the “Next” button when complete.


Step 5:

Next you will add your broadcast message. 

You can also upload a video or image file to go along with your message.

You can use an existing template for your email or create new. 


Step 6: 

Once complete you will select the “Finish” button.

You will be directed to confirm whether or not you are ready to send your broadcast.

Select “Confirm” when you are ready.


You now know how to set up a broadcast in Contact Reach!

We hope this tutorial has given you all the insight you need and if you need any assistance during this process please reach out to our support team HERE.

*Please allow 24-48 hrs for response time