Watch Video & Choose Best Option Below
> MEMBERSHIP + SOFTWARE REVOKED: Upon cancellation, your membership access is revoked and access to your softwares ($300/m value) will be deleted (all current info, campaign, demo accounts, and settings).
> YOU'LL PAY MORE: You’ll no longer be able to re-join at the special lifetime discounted rate you were provided as a founding MLAM member. Our current rate for MLAM is $197/m and $497 enrollment fee.
- Contactreach
- Prospectreach
- Birthday club coupon software
- ROI calculator software
- Appointment Reminder
To proceed with cancelling, CLICK the BUTTON below.
OPTION 2: Light Plan
1-LIGHT ACCOUNT (Contactreach Only]: You pay only $10.00 per month to maintain software access to Contactreach. We also have light plans for Prospectreach & Contactreach combined. This will give you access to the platform to use with 7 clients (light account). This way, your settings and account would remain as you left it, and you would be back up and running just as when you left.
2-THE BENEFITS: You can lock in your existing rate upon re-joining. You won’t pay our current $197/m, So the light allows you to still use platform, no deletion of account, & lock in your existing rate upon re-joining.
To proceed with the light plan, CLICK the GREEN BUTTON below.
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