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Here are our latest posts.

[ProspectReach] GBP Scraper Tool
We've implemented the ability to scrape Google Business Profiles within the Lead search result page. With the introduction of the[...]
[CouponReach] Search and Filter in Campaigns List
We're excited to announce the addition of search and filter functionalities by Campaign Name in CouponReach. This enhancement simplifies the[...]
Prospect Reach – Login Timeout
As part of our commitment to enhancing security measures, a login timeout feature has been added to Prospectreach. This additional[...]
CouponReach – Track Customer Attribute in GHL
Enhance your understanding of subscriber engagement with the new ability to track customer attribution within your Gohighlevel account. By monitoring[...]
CouponReach-Subscription Model
We've implemented the ability to establish a subscription payment model, enabling users to utilize voucher-type campaigns and set up recurring[...]
CouponReach – Customer Portal
We are delighted to introduce the Customer Portal feature in Couponreach. Subscribers now have their personalized user portal where they[...]