Let’s get right to it! The past two days i’ve revealed to you the ‘blue ocean’
service you can and should be selling immediately - INTERNAL MARKETING.
You should now know the core benefits of why internal marketing works and
why it’s a perfect fit for any service you provide. It just makes sense.
If you are not caught up yet, then make sure to READ PT 1 & PT 2 HERE NOW
Otherwise, let’s continue
The approach and specific niches to go after
How to deliver the service step-by-step, so you can get paid
Real examples on why clients will pay for this service and what these campaigns look like.
You learned yesterday the criteria for good niches to go after, but let’s get more granular and allow me to show you the exact client to go after. My goal is to help you get a quick win ASAP.
We’re going to approach a RESTAURANT as our first client.
Because their customers come back often (repeat business). Customers have high recency, and they appreciate offers/specials/discounts. Restaurants are perfect because it’s often easy to find the decision maker, and they are very receptive to what you’re offering.
Ok, stick with me because we’re about to get deep. Let’s get you a paying client.
VIP clubs. A VIP club is an exclusive club comprised of a business's customers. A VIP club captures the businesses contact information and markets to their customers in the most effective channels guaranteed to reach them: SMS & EMAIL.
SMS and email are means to get in touch with existing customers. Having this ability allows a business to easily increase revenue, by marketing specials/discounts/coupons.
(WARNING: if you’re reading this and thinking ‘big deal, sms/email’, nothing new… Please understand the way we’re about to get clients and effectively manage clients it truly unique. Its’ shocking and sad seeing even the larger national franchises still do SMS the wrong way!)
There are various types of vip clubs, but for the sake of keeping on track, we’re only going to discuss the MOBILE VIP club specifically for restaurants.
Where The Attention Is
Marketing is most effective where the attention is, which is why SMS is extremely effective for reaching your clients customers.
Over 90% of text messages are read within the first 3 minutes. -State of SMS
91% of Americans keep their mobile devices at arm´s length at all times. -Morgan stanley
Texting is the #1 preferred channel of communication from businesses. -Open market
SMS sees an engagement rate 6-8 times higher than email marketing -60secondmarketer
So, what does all the stats mean? Access to customers allows you to create ‘business on demand' for your clients. If you can create more business for your clients whenever you desire, then you will get paid month after month from clients. Why? Because you’re delivering results for them. Is this starting to make sense?
Before we get into the specifics on how to build these vip clubs, so you can get paying clients, I want you to know some of the feats that can be with SMS vip clubs. For your benefit, I created a system that gets results EVERY time on a consistent basis.
*The following client images are blurred out for privacy.
Additional Results We've Helped Clients Achieve
Drove over 90 customers within a 2 hour window!
100+ customers during a lunch rush for a pizza restaurant!
Consistently drive over $1000+ in revenue for our clients on every text blast we send.
Plus, many many more success stories! One of the few services you can get result for your clients INSTANTLY
When you can provide a predictable service for a business, you create predictable revenue for yourself. Predictable services equal long term recurring revenue for you! Making sense?
So How Do You Build A VIP Club?
It’s quite simple. The below images will outline how this is done. Please note that you will need an SMS platform to build these clubs. A SMS platform simply allows you to send mass text message broadcast to your clients customers. I can help you out with that as well. Vip club…..
Pretty simple right? Anyhow, once you build the list, you’re now in a position to consistently deliver results for your clients.
The Money And Work Involved
As I mentioned above, there are various types of VIP clubs, but for simplicity, a restaurant vip club is a guaranteed way to help a business grow, so you can get paid consistently. A simple club with text message only, you can easily charge $297-$397/m easily. Your costs for sms marketing are among the cheapest fulfillment you’ll ever find. If you use Twilio (sms provider), you can send text messages for less than one cent! Example, if you sent 3000 text message per month for a client at twilios rate of $.0078, that means your cost is only $23. So, if you charge $397 per month (minus $23 cost), then you’re profiting $374/m or a 93% profit margin (huge).
The cat is out the bag, you now know Secret #3: Create profitable VIP clubs.
Now let’s quickly talk about the work involved. Managing SMS VIP clubs are super easy. You work involves sending and scheduling text. What we typically do is schedule the messages months in advance, so we batch our task. We simply ask the client what offers they want to run, and when. Once we have this info, we schedule it in our text platform and we’re done! Yes, it’s that simple.
How To Deliver Results
This part is also simple. It really boils down to math. The bulk of your work in building an SMS club is in the first 30-45 days of starting the club. Your main goal is to BUILD THE LIST. Meaning, you want to get as many people on your clients vip list as possible, and you need to do it fast. Once the list is built, all you do is market to them. For example, let’s assume the client has 2000 unique customers/transactions per month. We make it a goal to get at least 50% of those people on a list. Getting that many people on a list is simple to do because a restaurant’s regulars already is convinced of their service. They already love, like, and trust them. Ok, now 50% of the 2000 (1000 people) are on a list. It’s now time to market to them. It would look like this
Average transaction: $25
Estimated response: 8-12% (conservative. We’ve seen 20%+ response rates)
Offers per month: 3
3 offers x 8% response rate x 3000 messages (1000 x 3 offers) = 240 redemptions ($6000)
This simple projection says if we send only three offers per month to the list with an average 8% redemption rate, then we can help a restaurant increase revenue by $6000 per month or $72,000 per year. All for what? Simply sending text message offers to your clients list. Are you starting to see how this simple by effective service can not only help you land clients, but keep them long term just like we’ve been able to do?
Do you think if you could help a business make an additional $6,000 per month, they’d be willing to pay you $500? (yes)
Let’s assume it’s only half true, and let’s also incorporate the discount they’re offering and discount it by 75% of what i just laid out. That’s still $1500 additional revenue for the business. As you can see, this is a no-brainer predictable service that EVERY LOCAL CONSULTANT should offer. It just makes sense.
How To Find The ‘Best' Clients Willing To Pay You
Ok, by now you should be convinced that VIP clubs are a much-needed service for local businesses, especially local restaurants. You’re probably itching to go sell this service so you can make some money, but you’re wondering how..
> How do you sell this service?
> Who are the best people to sell it to?
> How do you pitch it so they instantly get it?
What i’m about to tell you is what I call the F.P.C. It stands for the fastest path to cash. Make sure to pay attention to every word i’m about to share, so you can go out and get clients fast.
You only need two main criteria that qualify a business as the best candidate for a vip club:
Are they local?
Do they advertise?
Businesses that do not spend money on advertising often is a waste of time. Why? Because businesses that spend money on advertising tell you that they want more business. Think about it; A business that thinks enough of their business to invest in their business tells you they desire more business growth. These are the types of businesses to go after because they have their hand raised. Additionally, local businesses you’ll usually land clients faster because you can find the decision maker easier. Instantly going the franchise/corporate route usually takes longer to get to a decision, and there's a lot of red tape (rules, regulations, etc)
Where Do You Find These Clients?
In your mailbox! Yep, the local valpak, money mailer, newspaper coupons, local offers, etc.. The coupons you’d usually chuck in the garbage are now your best friend. These coupon mailers are you very best buyers. Even Groupon businesses are great candidates These businesses are your soon to be clients!
Approaching: What To Say & Do To Get The Appointment
Ok, you know the specific service you’ll provide, how it works, how to deliver results and where to find the clients. However, what do you say to get the appointment so you can walk out with check in hand?
For your benefit, I’m hooking you up with my best strategy (strategies I’ve charged for). The following methods are battle tested and simply work amazingly well. Do not deviate from these methods, just execute.
METHOD 1: The Results In Advance
This is a very very powerful method to get clients that hinges on the power of demonstration. Demonstration is one of the most powerful way to sell, especially when you can put your prospect in the driver seat, so they can experience what you’re conveying. Look at the image below:
THE CONTEXT: This is a potential prospect. You go to their facebook page or website and quickly grab their logo. You put this on a simple graphic (fiverr or do it yourself in powerpoint/keynote/google slides). You set up a simple text and reply keyword. You’re now ready to prospect the business.
The Script: What To Say
“If i could help you get more business without any outside advertising, and i’d show you how to do it for free, would you be open to learning how?”
(wait for reply), and ask….
“Do you currently have a VIP club? A way to get your results back into your restaurant more often?
(wait for reply, and then pull out your ‘mock up and say)…
‘pull out your phone I want to show you this’ (wait for prospect to text in keyword)
That’s it! What I shared with you is one of the powerful ways i’ve ever sold SMS marketing fast. The reason this method works so well is based on the experience. Here’s what happening:
CAPTIVATING: The prospect sees a table tent with their branding on it. It’s captivating. It entices them to lean in.
CURIOUS: The prospect wants to see what happens (especially because their branding is on it).
EXPERIENCE: You can tell someone something, you can show them, or you they can discover it by themselves. When prospects ‘experience’ how a VIP club works, it sells itself. You want to structure the demo so the reply text delivers the prospects coupon.
Pretty dang simple right!? I tell you, this method is super powerful. I’ve had many $1000 days doing this exact process to land clients within 5 minutes. The power of demonstration is silly good. This core exact method is how a 26 year old kid built a 6 figure income and retired the job one year later at the age of 27. It works, so put it to use.
The ‘Glue': Putting It All Together
Whew! You’ve come a long way. I know this may be a long read, but I wanted to make sure you had everything needed to know exactly how to build restaurant vip clubs to land long-term paying clients.
If so, then make sure to stay tuned for tomorrow. I’ll be revealing my secret weapon that we use to get paid from this simple yet fun type of marketing! I’m going to walk you through a complete demo and show you how to get your hands on this software, so you can start making money ASAP!
Talk soon,